Join Us for Dance This Way 2017!
As we all patiently await the arrival of Spring, The felix Organization is gearing up for the biggest event of the year on Sunday, May 7th, 2017: our annual fundraiser, Dance This Way!
Dance This Way is a non-stop dance party at Stage 48 that has attendees dancing through the decades to raise money for NYC-based foster children. Approximately 300 people will dance to support foster children. The event will feature cocktails, live entertainment, live auction, comfort foods and much more!
If this sounds like something you want be part of, getting involved is easy!
First: go to to start your own team or join a team that’s already been created.
Once you’ve registered, you can share the link with your friends and family asking them to sponsor you to dance for the event.
All of the money raised from this event goes directly toward sending children in foster care to Camp Felix!
Every year, we have the special privilege of awarding the “Future Dreammaker” award to a child who has exemplifies the core values of the Felix Organization. This year we are proud to honor two former campers: Jasmine and Carlos!
Jasmine can be seen featured in our “Camper Spotlight” in the 2016 Annual Report. She was a Camp Felix camper, counselor-in-training, and a volunteer. She plans to be a counselor when she turns 18.
Carlos has attended Camp Felix every year since he was 8 years old. He moved up through each boy's’ cabin until finally becoming a counselor in training and then volunteer. He has worked at Camp Felix as Kitchen staff for the past 2 summers.
Jasmine and Carlos have their own dance team called “Future Dreammakers” on The Future Dreammakers team honors the legacy of Camp Felix campers who continue to dedicate their time and efforts to Felix beyond their years as a camper. They set an awesome example for campers who dream of working at Camp Felix when they are older. We believe that our Future Dreammakers will have a positive impact on the children they work with and in their communities.
Dance This Way is our biggest fundraiser of the year. In 2016, we raised $225K. This year, our goal is to raise $275,000 minimum to support our current programs and allow us to expand our services to meet the most pressing needs of our foster population. To motivate our teams to help us reach this goal, anyone who raises $150 or more on Crowdrise will get free entrance into the event!
If you are unable to attend the event, you can still be involved by donating money to a friend’s team or to support the “Future Dreammakers” team on Every amount counts.
And if you just want to join the fun on the day of, stay tuned for the ticket sales announcement a few weeks before the event.
We hope to see many new faces this year! Happy Fundraising!