Camp Felix Pride is a groundbreaking summer camp for LGBTQ+ youth and allies in the New York City foster care system.
Watch The Camp Felix Pride Movie!
This exciting week-long camp gives youth, ages 10 to 16, a life-changing experience resulting in personal growth and connection with a supportive and caring community.
With special thanks to our Camp Felix Pride Committee members:
Grace Accetta
Zachary Booth
Scott Duquette
Dolly Fox
Jamie Grace
Glen Gracia
Tatiana Laroche
Ashley Longshore
Joseph Lucius
Owain Morgan
Reed Stanton
Rory Trifon
Jacob Yates
We wish to acknowledge and thank Equinox. Their commitment and contributions have propelled us through the pandemic making our dream of a Camp Felix Pride a reality.
If you would like to support this program, please reach out to for more information.