“My time with the Felix Organization has been nothing short of the best moments of my life. The endless love and community truly made me feel like I was part of a family, like I was part of something bigger. They taught me that some of the best things in life happen when you’re creating them with others. No matter where I am, this is something I will always remember. truly an unforgettable experience everyone deserves to have.”
Yanallis (Foster Youth), 2022
“The Felix Organization is a life-changing nonprofit and they’ve proved to be nothing short of loving, generous, and inspiring. I’ve experienced them going above and beyond what they’re asked or told to ensure growth, community, and joy. Felix opened me up to the possibility of standing in my greatness and I know I’m not the only one.”
Alayah (Foster Youth), 2022
Our Campers leave CAMP FELIX® with:
Improved physical and cognitive skills
Improved awareness about healthy living
Improved self-esteem
Sense of belonging
Heightened self-confidence including respect for self
Improved social skills including respect for others
Improved level of positive decision-making and leadership skills
Here's what the boys thought about their Bryan's Camp Felix experience:
100% of campers said they tried a new activity at Camp Felix®.
100% of campers said, "my counselors encouraged me and helped me succeed at Camp Felix®."
94% said Camp Felix helped them develop a healthier lifestyle.
94% of campers said that Camp Felix® helped them learn to overcome challenges.
93% of campers stated that Camp Felix® improved their ability to communicate with others.
As of our 2023 camp season:
Camp Felix® Campers have become Counselors-in-Training/Camp Felix employees and/or received leadership guidance.
summers of planting seeds of hope and opportunity for children in foster care.
youth served.